Chenny Xia: Our Relationship to Care

Chenny Xia

Chenny is an impact entrepreneur, experience designer, and technologist. She uses service design, agile management, and lean startup methodologies to unlock innovative opportunities. Chenny is also the co-founder of Gotcare, a health tech company transforming how in-home health is delivered across Canada. By striving to reduce the cost of delivery while enabling greater empathy and control over care decisions, Chenny is on a mission to change how home health care is delivered and create a more equitable healthcare system.

It’s time to rethink our relationship to care.

At some point in our lives, we will all need care. Sometimes, that looks like support from the government and healthcare workers. Sometimes, that looks like support across generations, within a community. But often, it is the quickest solution we can come up with, in the moment. Why leave conversations about care until the last minute?

Let’s imagine what dignified elder, injury, and disability care looks like

So often, people who need care are made to feel like a burden, when they should be celebrated. Aging does not mean fading into the background. Injury does not mean weakness. Disability does not mean inability. When we plan for care, patients and caregivers alike can maintain their autonomy and have fulfilling lives. We won’t look at caregiving as yet another task on our growing to-do list, but an integrated part of our lives. Chenny Xia, Founder of GotCare and TEDxToronto speaker, will be leading a facilitated workshop where participants will boldly and collaboratively imagine a more equitable, sustainable care economy.

On May 26, 2022, Chenny Xia, Founder of GotCare and TEDxToronto alumni speaker, led a facilitated workshop where participants boldly and collaboratively imagined a more equitable, sustainable care economy. She taught us how we can change the healthcare system, one conversation at a time.

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