Jason van Bruggen: Rewilding Our Urban Landscape

Jason van Bruggen

Being an explorer means paying attention to the edges of the unknown that lie all around us, accessible without a plane ticket or a passport. Jason van Bruggen, a filmmaker and photographer, has traveled the world to document the vulnerability of our ecosystems and the people who live within them, illuminating the strength and fragility of our planet. Locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jason reflects on what it really means to be an explorer.—the sense of wonder and curiosity, care and attention paid to something special. Through his craft, Jason captures the vulnerability of our ecosystems and the people who live within them, illuminating the strength and fragility of our planet.

Exploration is no longer going, it’s seeing.

Jason van Bruggen, photographer, filmmaker, and TEDxToronto alumni speaker, has traveled around the world. But it wasn’t until he landed on a farm in a Niagara escarpment, where he fell in love with the land and the community, that he felt like he became an explorer.“I was a witness,” he said, about his travels. “But I didn’t discover anything new.”

The deeper you look, the more you’ll find.

Exploration isn’t about walking through a new place and simply snapping pictures for your memories. It’s about embedding yourself into a local ecosystem, learning about its history with an open heart and mind, and taking steps to protect exactly what makes it so special so its community and visitors can enjoy its beauty for many more years to come. Going deep is more important than going far.

On June 17, 2022, our TEDxToronto community explored the ravines that make up our city. Jason guided us through this evening summertime walk, showing participants the vulnerability of our local ecosystems and how Wilder, a partner organization, helps ensure they survive and thrive by planting native tree species.

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